Still plucking? The Underarm Skincare tale is as old as time. Dark, chicken bumps and ingrowns goodbye with our BRIGHT & FREE UNDERARM SERUM to soothe plucked-dark scarring, and calm inflammation or bumps while doing the pit work to lighten and smoothen the skin.
Directions: After showering and cleansing area, apply 2-3 drops to both underarm areas. Rub in until fully absorbed before putting on clothes or applying other products.
Ingredients: Distilled Water Glycerin, Niacinamide, Hyaluronic Acid,!Coconut Milk Extract, Lemon Extract, Alpha ArbutinVegetable Collagen, Sakura Flower Extract Vitamin C, Ocytyl Salicylate, Cosphaderm-34, PEG40, Fragrance Oil, Phenoxythenol Ethylhyxyl.
Catt & Co. Underarm serum 30ml
Excluding Sales Tax